Our Teacher

He is Shaykh Muwaffaq al-Dīn Abū Muslim Yūsuf Muḥammad b. Ṣādiq al-Ḥanbalī al-Qādirī. Shaykh Yūsuf studied under scholars from both al-Azhar University (Jāmi’ah al-Azhar al-Sharīf) and scholars outside of it; from Egypt as well as other countries such as Pakistan. He also studied worldly sciences at Misr International University, in the Faculty of Humanities/al-Alsun, combining the study of linguistics, translation, and English literature.

Shaykh Yūsuf is known for his deep expertise in the Ḥanbalī Madhhab and his dedication to teaching various Islamic sciences, making traditional Islamic knowledge accessible to students around the world.

What and where does he teach?

Shaykh Yūsuf b. Ṣādiq was the former Executive Director of the Nahj Institution, overseeing and supervising the various curricula of Madrasah Shaykh al-‘Amūd, where he also held an official teaching post, having taught various Islamic sciences such as Ḥanbalī Fiqh, Ḥadīth, and Tafsīr.

Nowadays, he holds a teaching post at al-Zāwiyyah al-Tījāniyyah al-Kubrā, teaching Ḥanbalī Fiqh, Ḥadīth, and Musṭalaḥ al-Ḥadīth. He is also the main teacher at the Al-Madrasah al-Ḥanbaliyyah online platform, where he continues to teach these disciplines to an international audience. In the worldly sciences, Shaykh Yūsuf teaches various courses on linguistics and English literature at the university level.

Shaykh Yūsuf’s teaching has helped countless students deepen their understanding of the Ḥanbalī Madhhab and Islamic sciences, combining scholarly rigor with accessibility for students from various backgrounds.

Books and Text He has Teached:

Shaykh Yūsuf has taught a wide range of classical Islamic texts, focusing on Ḥanbalī Fiqh, Uṣūl al-Fiqh, ‘Aqīdah, and Ḥadīth sciences. Some of the key books he has taught include:

Adāb al-Muṭāla‘ah
Mukhtaṣar al-Ifādāt
Risālah fī Uṣūl al-Fiqh ‘inda al-Ḥanābilah
Ghāyah al-Sūl
Al-Tadhkirah fī Uṣūl al-Fiqh
Muqaddimah al-Inṣāf li al-Mardāwī
The Foundational Principles of the Ḥanbali Madhhab
Akhṣār al-Mukhtaṣarāt
Al-Rawḍ al-Murbi’
Dalīl al-Ṭālib
Bidāyah al-‘Ābid
Al-Radd ‘alā man Itaba’ ghayr al-Madhhab al-Arba‘ah
Dhamm al-Ta°wīl
Al-Waṣiyyah li-Ibn Qudāmah
Miftāh Ṭarīq al-Awliyā
Fadl ‘Ilm al-Salaf ‘alā ‘Ilm al-Khalaf
Lum‘ah al-I‘tiqād ilā Sabīl al-Rashād
Ḥāshiyah al-Muwaffaq ‘alā Lum‘ah al-Muwaffaq
Al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm fī Ithbāt al-Ḥarf al-Qadīm
Al-‘Ayn wa al-Athar fī ‘Aqā°id Ahl al-Athar
Qalā°id al-Iqyān fī Ikhtiṣār ‘Aqīdah Ibn Ḥamdān
Qaṣīdah al-Dāliyyah
Sharh al-Sunnah
Uṣūl al-Sunnah
Risālah Imām Aḥmad ilā al-Khalīfah al-Mutawakkil
Khaṣā°is Musnad al-Imām Aḥmad
Al-Tadhkirah fī Muṣṭalaḥ al-Hadīth
Ḥanbalī choices in Uṣūl al-Hadīth
Risālah Abū Dāwud ilā Ahl Makkah
Muqaddimah Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ
Ikhtiṣār ‘Ulūm al-Hadīth
Nukhbah al-Fikar
Nuzhat al-Naẓar