154,00 £

Al-Taqrīb wa al-Taysīr

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Amount of recorded lessons: 77 (1 hour per class)
Pre-requisite: studied Al-Tadhkira fī ‘Ulūm al-Ḥadīth and passed its exam

This course focusses on the study of the famous text by al-Imām al-Nawawī: al-Taqrīb wa al-Taysīr li-Ma’rifah Sunan al-Bashīr al-Nadīr. The text itself is an abbreviation of the foundational text in the field of mustalaḥ, by Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ, titled Kitab ‘Ulum al-Ḥadīth. Al-Taqrib is an excellent primer for the student who has already covered a basic text in mustalaḥ, wanting to further develop his or her grasp on the subject matter, seeking to broaden ones understanding of the science by adding more branches and details.

This course has ended, completion is through recordings.

  • All the classes are given in English.
  • Upon passing the assessment at the end of the course one is eligible for ijazah.

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