10,00 £ / month

Dhamm al-Ta°wīl (Arabic)

More about this product

Classes: Sundays, 5pm (Cairo time)
Amount of recorded lessons: 0

Pre-requisite: studied Lum’ah al-I’tiqād and passed its exam

In this course the small treatise titled Dhamm al-Ta°wīl will be studied. In it Ibn Qudammah lays out his refutation of the people of kalām and their practice of ta°wīl of Allah’s Attributes. Consequently he also clarifies the way of Salaf in dealing with the verses and aḥādīth of the Attributes.

– Commentary is in Arabic (students are allowed to ask question in English if needed)
– Upon completing one is eligible for ijazah.

Note: monthly contribution gives access to the live lessons and its course group. Acces to previous course recordings will require an additional one-time contribution, after registration is completed.

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