53,00 £

Futūh al-Ghayb

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Number of classes: 21 (1 hour per class)

Futūh al-Ghayb is one of the greatest and important books written by Sīdī Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī on the subject of taṣawwuf and tazkiyah. It comprises of separate discourses in which the author deals with various topics related to the aforementioned sciences. This course focuses on the first seven discourses of the book and explains them in detail so the intend of the author can be properly grasped by the student. Both the text as well as the explanation will provide theoretical and practical insights for the student. In the future other courses will be offered, teaching other discourses oof the book, inshallah finishing it completely.

This course has ended, completion is through recordings.

-All the classes are in English.

-Upon completion one is eligible for ijazah.

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