18,00 £

Miftāh Tarīq al-Awliyā

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Number of classes: 6 (1 hour per class)

One of the smaller works in taṣawwuf from the pen of Ibn Shayk Al-Ḥazamiyyīn, who was one of the students of Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah who used to praise him for his taṣawwuf. Being a concise treatise, it presents important aspects of taṣawwuf in both a theoretical as well as practical light, making it a beneficial work for the students who seeks a practical introduction into taṣawwuf. The topic of the book is furthermore interesting because it addresses the scholars and students of knowledge from a Ḥanbalī ṣūfī perspective.

This course has ended, completion is through recordings.

-All the classes are in English.

-Upon completion one is eligible for ijazah.

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